Installing Pterodactyl for Plesk

Pterodactyl is a software for managing game servers. As it’s still in development, installing it in some environments is not straight-forward. You should read the official docs along. The guide is written for Plesk with CentOS but could be helpful for other panel users like cPanel too. Originally published…

Updating Pterodactyl from v0.6 to v0.7 with a Plesk installation

As requested, I provide here a simple guide for upgrading pterodactyl to 0.7 (from 0.6), when used with my installation guide. Installing Pterodactyl for Plesk First log into the root terminal of your web (v)server and install PHP 7.2: plesk installer --select-release-current --install-component php7.2 SU…

Fixing Let's Encrypt with custom Nginx rules on Plesk

When having expressions like this: location ~ ^/(?:\.|include) { deny all; } All requests which start with a dot (.) or include get denied. As such the required .well-known folder used for the acme challenge by Let’s Encrypt gets denied too and Plesk is unable to renew certificates. To solve it, it is…

Script for creating a chroot environment

This script creates a chroot environment for use with php-fpm. To be called with the chroot directory and a php binary. ./scriptname /dir/to/chroot /usr/bin/php It copies all libraries needed by php (by using ldd) and it also copies timedata and dns data (or there will be…

Reading analog values with STM32F4 (ADC)

For some reasons, there is no simple guide on how to use the ADC of STM32F4, which is widely used in the STM32F4 Discovery Evaluation board. Here I use the GCC ARM toolchain with eclipse. Start STM32CubeMX which is available for nearly all platforms (Linux/Mac/Windows). Create a new…

Writing a Bot for Multiplayer Games with Code Injection

How does Honorbuddy work? How are cheats and/or bots written? This article is an introduction on how to reverse engineer a game and where to look after variables and pointers. I guide through a simple example in an MMORPG running on MacOS, where we will make a player move…