Home Assistant on Proxmox with ZFS

Home Assistant is only provided as qcow2, but it is easy to convert it to a ZVOL. Let's directly start. Creating a temporary local dir storage We will later attach the normal qcow2 storage to convert it afterwards. Proxmox does not come any more with a default storage…

Tunneling Traffic of Containers Through a VPN

In a previous post I described how to route traffic for a single Linux user through a VPN. For containers, the process is much simpler. To begin, create a docker-compose file (or a Portainer stack). This should include the containers you wish to protect, as well as a container connecting…

From Plesk to Containers: Pterodactyl on Docker

Back in the day, Plesk was the go-to platform for many developers and administrators who wanted to manage their web services in an intuitive manner. Today with the advent of container technology, I have completely transitioned from Plesk to a container-centric setup. In sync with this evolution, Pterodactyl now offers…